Job Kosong Indah Water Konsortium (28/4-12/5/2012)

Indah Water Konsortium,a wholly-owned company of the Minister of Finance Incoroporated ,is Malaysia's national sewerge company which been entrusted with the task of developing and maintaining a mordern and efficient sewerage system for all Malaysians ,in 1994,the  Federal Government awarded the company the concession for nationwide sewerage services which pior to that ,was under the responsibility of local authorities,Since then Indah Water has taken over the sewerage services from local authorities in all areas except the states of Kelantan ,Sabah,Sarawak, and the Majlis Perbandaran Johor Bahru.A modern and efficient sewerage system is vital for the country so as ensure that wastewater is treated before being discharged into our rivers ,this will help  preserve the country's waste resources ,protect public health and provide a cleaner and safer environment.In June 2000 ,as testimony of the governmet's seroiousness in ensuring that a proper and efficent sewerage system will be successfully put in place and maintained ,the Government ,through the Minister of Finance Incorporated,took over entire equity in indah water from its previous privete owners.Indah water is now well-positioned to undertake the vital task of ensuring that Malaysians today and in the future will be able to enjoy a celan and healty environment through a proper well-maintained sewerage system;-

Tarikh Tutup Pemohonan : 28 April hingga 12 Mei 2012