Pos Malaysia Berhad is the exclusive provider of mail services in Malaysia , with more than 175 years of existence in the country ,its vast exprience froms a strong backbone ,supporting the massive restructuring it underwent when became a corporate entity in1992, the blend of its market strength and market freedom enalbles Pos Malaysia Berhad to explore and adapt to new business opportunities beyond the traditional postal services and thus ,stay ahead of its competirors.
Kekosongan Jawatan:-
1. Assistant Executive ,Air Operation , Transport Management
2. Senior Associate ,Business Development & Service ,Philately unit
Tarikh TutuP Pemohonan: 31 Mac 2012
3. Assiciate ,Business Finance Ar-Rahnu
4. Senior Executive /Manager , Corporate Planning
Tarikh Tutup Pemohonan : 12 April 2012